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Safe Church Safe Communities Role Descriptions & Instructions:

Please review all roles below to determine which training to refer to.  If you meet the criteria for multiple roles, you must complete the required modules for both roles.

  1. Clergy, Wardens & Vestry – This includes both paid and unpaid clergy. Any unpaid clergy licensed to St. Mark’s, participates in Holy Eucharist, Memorial or Funeral services, teaches classes or offers counseling must complete the training. All Governance positions (church elected) must also complete the training. This specifically includes Wardens and Vestry. However, there is no training requirement for elected convention representatives.

  2. ​Safe Church Safe Communities.Eucharistic Ministers.Eucharistic Visitors.Home Visitors:  Eucharistic Ministers (EM), Eucharistic Visitors (EV), and Home Visitors – Eucharistic Ministers (EM) are those who serve communion during services. Eucharistic Visitors take communion to the homebound.  Home Visitors who are visiting church members or church visitors in their homes, hospitals, assisted living centers, etc. on behalf of St. Mark’s.  It is not a member visiting another member because they are friends.

  3. Staff, including Unpaid Staff and 1099 Contractors – Paid and unpaid staff, regardless of the role must complete the training. This includes St. Mark’s Montessori teachers, staff and substitute teachers. However, paid nursery staff should refer to the Program Participants role.  1099 contractors might be temporary or permanent employees such as interim clergy or substitute musicians.

  4. Program Supervisors – This role specifically includes Choir Director, Commissioned Ministry Teams, Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry. St. Mark’s has many programs including Sacred Arts, Church Unbound, Hospitality, etc. Anyone who is the lead for these types of programs should complete the training. It would also include the Board for St. Mark’s Montessori School and the Sunday nursery lead.

  5. Program Participants – This role specifically includes Acolyte Mentor, Sunday School Teacher, Nursery Worker (paid or unpaid), Teenaged Assistants, Musicians working with Youth, Confirmation Mentors, Pastoral Care Teams, and Youth Group Leaders. If you assist with any program where children and youth are including, you must complete the training.

  6. Drivers – Drivers must be 21 or older and complete the training. This might be drivers who volunteer to 1) take children and youth to events, camp, etc; 2) take elderly or ill members to medical appointments or church events as part of a church program; 3) participate in a voter program to assist people who have difficulty getting to the polls; or other similar church programs.  It is not a member offering to pick up another member because they are friends.

  7. Treasurer – The treasurer has specific training/requirements for that role.

  8. Camp Staff – This specifically applies to Camp Director, Counselor, Counselor in Training, and Volunteers. All camp staff must be 18 or older except Counselors in Training who must be 16 or older.

  9. Key Access/Church Members – This specifically applies to Altar Guild, Building Hosts (leaders) of events or programs of the church and other ministries in which they are one is the responsible party for the gaining the group’s access into the building. These roles may overlap with Program Supervisor roles. 


For additional clarification, please contact Jennifer Lind or Mother Sylvia Miller-Mutia.​​​


Please email all completed certificates to our Parish Admin here.

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