Episcopal Church
Albuquerque, NM

Common Questions - Our Answers
Who is welcome?
Everyone is welcome. We do not put any barriers between you and your desire for a relationship with Christ and being part of a spiritual community. All ethnicities, backgrounds, socioeconomic status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious backgrounds, political leanings or spiritual adeptness are welcome at St. Mark's. We are all questioning, ever-growing children of God.
What to wear?
Come as you are. At St. Mark's we invite everyone to a relationship with God. Wear what makes you feel comfortable in the presence of God.
How long are services?
A typical service (also known as "liturgy") lasts for roughly one hour and 15 minutes, more or less. Immediately following the liturgy, we invite everyone to migrate into what we call the Parish Hall for coffee and snacks. On most Sundays during the school year, we offer small group class offerings for adults and children that begin at 11:00 and end at noon.
We also offer a New Members Class. The class is a series, held in the fall and spring, with a summer break, and is for anyone seeking to know more about Christianity and the Episcopal Church in general, and St. Mark’s in particular. It is appropriate for anyone transferring church membership, wishing to be confirmed, baptized or become a member of St. Mark’s. It is also for anyone seeking to know more about our faith and our community. Call the church office at 505-262-2484 to find out when our next New Members Class is scheduled.
Participating in Holy Eucharist (otherwise known as Communion or the Lord's Supper)
We invite all who seek the presence of Christ to share with us in Holy Communion. The bread is received in the open palm. The wine is taken from the cup by sipping. (Place your hand gently on the base of the chalice to guide it). To avoid spreading germs, we ask that you do not dip the bread in the wine (“intinction”). If you require a gluten-free wafer, please tell the person who offers bread to you. If you or your children are drawn to the altar but do not wish to receive communion, please cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing. If you receive the bread but choose not to receive wine, cross your arms over your chest when the chalice arrives. If you have not been baptized and wish to receive communion regularly, please speak with one of the clergy.
What about children in worship?
In the Episcopal Church, we believe that participating in worship is the primary way that people are formed as Christians at every age and stage of life. Children are always welcome in worship at St. Mark's. Sometimes, very young children may find it difficult to participate in the entire liturgy, so we also offer nursery care for ages 0-3 (9AM-Noon) and Children's Chapel for ages 4-8 (only during the sermon). For more information about how to encourage and support the full participation of your child in worship, contact Mother Sylvia.
Arriving late or needing to use the restroom during the liturgy
Showing up late happens; so does nature's call. Please come in and join when you are late, and please get up to use the restroom when you need to.
What are all the signs of the cross, standing, bowing and kneeling about?
If it doesn't feel comfortable or natural to you, do not feel embarrassed. We jest by calling them the Episcopal Calisthenics. If you'd like to know more about what happens, and when, during the service, please schedule a meeting with one of our clergy members, or call us to speak with someone.
How to do I stay informed?
Sign up for our weekly electronic newsletter, The Messenger, by filling out a brief web-form here, or email our Communications Coordinator to help get you set up. You may view the most recent e-news publications here.