Episcopal Church
Albuquerque, NM

St. Mark’s Children, Youth and Family Ministry
We stive to create opportunities to grow in friendship with God and experience loving service to the world through music, story, small group discussion, community building, worship, outreach, laughter, art and fun.
9:30 – Noon: Nursery Open
9:30 – Worship & Children’s Chapel: Children are an integral part of our worshipping community, and are always welcome in worship. During the sermon, we offer an optional Children’s Chapel program in the Parish Hall, which includes songs, stories, and prayers.
(Children’s Chapel is designed for children ages 4-8. Ages 0-3 are welcome to participate with the support of a parent or caregiver. Ages 9+ are welcome to participate as helpers.) Children who wish to participate in Children’s Chapel should follow the cross to Children’s Chapel immediately following the Gospel, and rejoin their families in “big church” at the peace.
10:30 – 11:00 a.m.: Refreshments in Parish Hall
11:00 – 12 p.m. (August through May): Education hour for all ages
We welcome children, infants to 3 years old, in our nursery. We have loving childcare provided by attentive and well-trained staff and a safe, joyful place for play, snacks and rest. Toys and bedding are sanitized regularly. During the week, our nursery serves as the 2-year-old room of our Montessori school.
Godly Play
Godly Play is for children in preschool through early elementary grades. It is a multi-age, multi-sensory program that deepens our children’s understanding of God and faith through the telling of Sacred Story. The lessons are biblical stories told in a quiet, thoughtful way with simple materials. Children then have the opportunity to respond to these stories through a variety of art media and their own hands-on retelling of the story.
Watch a YouTube video about Godly Play.
Seasons of the Spirit
Seasons of the Spirit is designed for youth in grades 4 and 5 to begin deeper exploration in building a Christian community.
Rite 13 is made of up of youth in grades 6, 7, and 8. This class offers young people their first in-depth exploration into our church history, the story of our Old Testament family, and the life of Jesus told in the New Testament.
Journey to Adulthood (J2A)
Journey to Adulthood (J2A) invites youth in grades 9 through 12 to interact with the world around them – trying out being a Christian in the real world. This is accomplished with the sharing of personal stories, adventuring into our neighborhood and city to see the needs of those around us, and thinking about the broader context of Christianity in the world by traveling and by inviting guests to visit us.